Difference between revisions of "Step by step bind configuration tutorial"

From Notes_Wiki
Line 262: Line 262:

Contents of <tt>test.iiit.ac.in.forward</tt> file can be
Contents of <tt>test.iiit.ac.in.forward</tt> file can be
$TTL 3600
$TTL 3600
@ SOA ns.test.iiit.ac.in. root.test.iiit.ac.in. (1 15m 5m 30d 1h)
@ SOA ns.test.iiit.ac.in. root.test.iiit.ac.in. (1 15m 5m 30d 1h)

Revision as of 04:10, 28 March 2014

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Step-by-step tutorial">Bind DNS server configuration | Bind DNS</yambe:breadcrumb>

Step by step bind configuration tutorial


Bind (DNS server software) uses executables with name 'named' and uses service name 'named'. It also does chroot to folder '/var/named/chroot' after service has successfully started. Hence all the files that bind uses must be present inside some sub-folder of '/var/named/chroot' for bind to work.

Before bind does chroot to /var/named/chroot it will use the files directly with respect to actual '/' and later on it will use the same path to access them inside '/var/named/chroot'. For example, before bind does chroot it will access '/etc/named.conf' which is actual '/etc/named.conf'. After chroot bind will continue to use /etc/named.conf but now as per filesystem (previous /) bind would end up using /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf.

Hence for things to work we need two copies of every file that bind uses, so that bind can find the file both before and after chroot. For this copying the file is bad idea, as after copying if changes are made to a file, then same changes would have to be done in other file as well. Keeping two copies of each file consistent manually in not practical. Also this may lead to bugs which would be very hard to find or troubleshoot.

To ensure that bind gets two copies of each files without actually requiring to maintain two different copies one can use symbolic links. Hence one can create original files in /var/named/chroot/<some sub-folder> and then create symbolic links in actual /. For example actual 'named.conf' can be at /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf and its symbolic link can be created at /etc/named.conf using absolute path by command:

ln -s /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf

Please also note that the same will not work in other order. For example if actual file is in /etc/named.conf and symbolic link is created at /var/named/chroot/etc, then after chroot that symbolic link would become invalid. In good server configurations /var and /etc are on separate partitions. This implies that one may not use hard-links to link /etc/named.conf} and /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf.

Thus the only good way of configuring DNS is to have original files in /var/named/chroot and to have symbolic links that using absolute path in /etc pointing to same files in /var/named/chroot/etc. Although the above explanation is given for /etc configuration files, the same applies to /var/named/chroot/var/named zone files. Hence original zone files should go inside folder /var/named/chroot/var/named with proper permissions and owner etc. and symbolic link to each of these zone files using absolute paths must be created in /var/named.

File structure

By default after installation of DNS packages following is the output of running tree command in /var/named/chroot folder.

|-- dev
|   |-- null
|   |-- random
|   `-- zero
|-- etc
|   |-- localtime
|   |-- named
|   `-- pki
|       `-- dnssec-keys
|-- usr
|   `-- lib64
|       `-- bind
`-- var
    |-- log
    |-- named
    |-- run
    |   `-- named
    `-- tmp

If you want to ensure that previous DNS related configuration on the system does not affect your work / experiments then you can delete all the files/folders inside /var/named/chroot, except the ones listed above. Note that the above output is for Cent-OS 6.3 and the files listed can differ from system to system. Hence for other OS instead of deleting it would be better to move the files to other location, so that they can be restored if required.

Different types of DNS configuration files can be categorized broadly into two different categories:

  1. Config files
  2. Zone files

Config files usually go in folder /etc and zone files in /var/named. We can always specify different path for zone files in /etc/named.conf file by using directory configuration option.

Hello World DNS

In this subsection we will try to create minimalist configuration for DNS using defaults wherever possible. Then we will add more and more configuration options / zones to this minimum DNS server and try to go as close as possible to sample configuration given in actual lab handout.

Minimal /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf can contain

    directory "/var/named";
    //empty, going to use all defaults for rest

include "/etc/named.root.hints";    //Need location of 
                                    // . or root servers
                                    //for recursion
include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones"; //A proper DNS 
                                    //must have these zones

You must do following things after adding above contents to /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf file:

  1. Create symbolic link in /etc/ using command:
    ln -s /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf
  2. Copy sample named.root.hints file that comes with Bind to /var/named/chroot/etc and then create symbolic link of this file in /etc. Please note that since the file has been included in /etc/named.conf it will also go in /etc folders. The files that are not included but are referred like zone files go inside /var/named folders.
    You can use linux locate command to search for named.root.hints file.
  3. Copy sample named.rfc1912.zones file that comes with Bind to /var/named/chroot/etc and then create symbolic link of this file in /etc. The reasons and method being same as used for named.root.hints file.
  4. Use command `named-checkconf /etc/named.conf' to check the current configuration file and ensure that everything so far is fine. If everything so far is correct then `named-checkconf' will not show any output (error messages).

Now if we look inside contents of named.root.hints file that we have used above, we find lines

zone "." IN {
        type hint;
        file "named.root";

Here one zone with named dot (`.') which is parent most zone possible is being defined and it is mentioned that it is of type hint. It is also mentioned that hints related to this zone, which basically means list of dot nameservers is mentioned in file `named.root'

So we must have file with name `named.root' in `/var/named/named.root' files. Note that here named.root is being referred and is not included. Hence this file would go in /var/named and not in /etc.

Fortunately for us default Bind server comes with file named.root and we only need to copy it to /var/named/chroot/var/named folder. Then we need to create symbolic link of file from /var/named/chroot/var/named folder to /var/named folder. The exact command would be:

ln -s /var/named/chroot/var/named/named.root /var/named/named.root

Similarly if we look inside named.rfc1912.zones file we can see that it refers to files:

  • localdomain.zone
  • localhost.zone
  • named.local
  • named.ip6.local
  • named.broadcast
  • named.zero

Now we have to use default files that come with Bind with above names by copying them to folder /var/named/chroot/var/named and creating their corresponding symbolic links inside folder /var/named.

If you find more than one file with same name on system you can copy any one of them to /var/named/chroot/var/named without worrying about which file is correct.

After doing all this if you run tree command in folder /var/named, you should see output like:

|-- chroot
|   |-- dev
|   |   |-- null
|   |   |-- random
|   |   `-- zero
|   |-- etc
|   |   |-- localtime
|   |   |-- named.conf
|   |   |-- named.rfc1912.zones
|   |   |-- named.root.hints
|   |   `-- rndc.key
|   `-- var
|       |-- log
|       |-- named
|       |   |-- data
|       |   |-- localdomain.zone
|       |   |-- localhost.zone
|       |   |-- named.broadcast
|       |   |-- named.ip6.local
|       |   |-- named.local
|       |   |-- named.root
|       |   |-- named.zero
|       |   `-- slaves
|       |-- run
|       |   `-- named
|       `-- tmp
|-- data
|-- localdomain.zone -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/localdomain.zone
|-- localhost.zone -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/localhost.zone
|-- named.broadcast -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/named.broadcast
|-- named.ip6.local -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/named.ip6.local
|-- named.local -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/named.local
|-- named.root -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/named.root
|-- named.zero -> /var/named/chroot/var/named/named.zero
`-- slaves

Please note that important information that symbolic link to named.conf, named.root.hints and named.rfc1912.zones file exist in /etc cannot be verified by using above output. For verifying that use command:

ls -l /etc/named.* | grep -o '\/.*\$'

which should give following output:

/etc/named.conf -> /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf
/etc/named.rfc1912.zones -> /var/named/chroot/etc/named.rfc1912.zones
/etc/named.root.hints -> /var/named/chroot/etc/named.root.hints

As one final step use `chown named:named *' in both `/var/named' and `/var/named/chroot/var/named folder to give named permission to read files that we have copied just now from root user.

After this use 'service named start' to check DNS configuration done so far and to verify that we can start Bind with this much configuration. If you are not able to start Bind then verify all the above things mentioned in handout very carefully.

It can be noted that this is considerably more than minimal Bind configuration. But if we do minimal configuration then Bind may not be able to handle recursive queries because of absence of . zone or it may not confirm to RFC1912 as it would miss some zones which every DNS must have as per RFC. Hence the current configuration is minimal correct DNS configuration.

Please also note that if you try commands like: nslookup www.google.com then your DNS will not be able to resolve the query and will give `connection timed out' error after waiting for few seconds.

This is because all machines in LAN cannot by default send UDP packets outside campus. Hence your DNS server is not able to query dot (`.') servers for address of .com servers to resolve above query and hence nslookup fails. You can verify that your DNS server is trying to query dot(`.') servers using wireshark.

A simple resolution of this problem is by adding following option in /etc/named.conf:

forwarders {;; };
forward only;

This means that DNS server should forward the queries that it receives to or Since port number has not been defined the queries would be sent to other DNS servers on default DNS port. The `forward only' option indicates that DNS should always forward query and never try to do contact other DNS directly.

The complete /etc/named.conf config file now has (excluding comments)

    directory "/var/named";
    forwarders {;; };
    forward only;

include "/etc/named.root.hints"; 
include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";

Now use `service named reload' and again try nslookup or dig for www.google.co.in etc. and the DNS server should now be able to resolve queries. You can verify that current setup is working because DNS is forwarding queries to 222 or 204 DNS servers.

Prefer to use dig command instead of nslookup for all your DNS queries. dig is way more powerful than nslookup

Our own zone

Now that DNS is up and running including resolution of outside zones, the next best thing to do is to create our own zones. For purpose of this handout we will create test.iiit.ac.in zone.

Please note that we can create any zone, even `google.com' and anyone who uses our DNS server when they query for google.com, the replies would depend on our configuration and not actual google.com servers. Hence it is very important to use only trusted DNS servers to avoid DNS spoofing based attacks.

To create zone we need to append following lines at end of /etc/named.conf file:

zone "test.iiit.ac.in."
        type master;
        file "test.iiit.ac.in.forward";

This means that we are going to create a new zone with name `test.iiit.ac.in' and that information of that zone is present in file test.iiit.ac.in.forward. As should be clear by now the file test.iiit.ac.in.forward must be created / present in /var/named folders for DNS to work.

Contents of test.iiit.ac.in.forward file can be

$TTL 3600
@ SOA ns.test.iiit.ac.in. root.test.iiit.ac.in. (1 15m 5m 30d 1h)
        NS ns.test.iiit.ac.in.
ns              IN      A
lab320pc1       IN      A

Here, meaning of various options in SOA field was explained in DNS lecture and is also mentioned in slides on DNS lecture. Basically we have created a new zone with name test.iiit.ac.in. Nameserver for that zone is ns.test.iiit.ac.in. IP address of test.iiit.ac.in zone itself is There are two hosts in this zone ns and lab320pc1. Both of them also have address

To verify whether zone file is correct or not use command:

named-checkzone test.iiit.ac.in test.iiit.ac.in.forward

If you do not see any error being output by above command then zone file is created correctly.

Now create symbolic link to above zone file in /var/named folder and also ownership of file in both places (actual file and link) to named:named. Now try service named restart command and the command should be able to stop and start DNS server without any problem.

You can now check working of zone by querying your server using command:

dig @ lab320pc1.test.iiit.ac.in

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Step-by-step tutorial">Bind DNS server configuration | Bind DNS</yambe:breadcrumb>