Take backup of zimbra server
From Notes_Wiki
Take backup of zimbra server
To take backup of Zimbra server use following steps:
- Use "df -h" to check space occupied by all files stored in /opt. Verify that enough space is free on destination drive. Note that same set of files may occupy different space on a different file-system (ext3 to ext4)
- Rsync /opt/zimbra to backup folder. This rsync should be done without stopping Zimbra. This is intended to reduce overall backup down-time
- rsync -vtrp --delete /opt/zimbra /backup/zimbra-yyyy-mm-dd
- Stop running zimbra server by running 'zmcontrol stop' as user zimbra
- Verify that all Zimbra processes have stopped using 'ps -U zimbra -u zimbra'
- Again rsync /opt/zimbra to backup folder. This time backup would be consistent / stable.
- Start zimbra again by using 'zmcontrol start' command as zimbra user
Other backup suggestions are present at https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Open_Source_Edition_Backup_Procedure and also at http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Backing_up_and_restoring_Zimbra_%28Open_Source_Version%29#Another_option