CentOS 8.x Zabbix add hosts

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Revision as of 06:46, 12 January 2021 by Saurabh (talk | contribs)

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Zabbix add hosts">CentOS 8.x Zabbix|Zabbix</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 8.x Zabbix add hosts

To add host in Zabbix use following steps:

  1. First download agent from https://www.zabbix.com/download_agents and install it on the host to be added/monitored via Zabbix
  2. Click on Configuration Menu
  3. Click on Hosts submenu
  4. Click on Create Host button at right side
  5. Hostname: Enter hostname of Remote system
  6. Visible name: Name to be display in zabbix
  7. Group: Select the desired group for you host. This can be used to group hosts together for reporting / viewing / administration purposes.
  8. Agent interface: Fill the info (IP address) of Zabbix agent running on host
  9. On templates tab, Select desired Template : Please select carefully, Because it will enabled all checks for the host. Choose template Linux/Windows etc. based on type of host being added
  10. Click on add link
  11. Click on save button

For monitoring information go to Monitoring -> latest-data
