Configuring brocade switch for SAN zoning
Home > Switch configuration notes > Configuring brocade switch for SAN zoning
Simliar to Configuring Cisco MDS 9124 fiber switch for SAN configuring brocade switch for SAN can be done in following steps
- Configure aliases for all WWNs connected to brocade switch
- Create zones with all targets and one initiator per zone.
- Create a configuration (similar to zoneset in case of Cisco) which includes all zones
Create alias for WWN
To create alias for WWN use:
alicreate "<alias-name>", "<wwn-number>"
For example, alicreate "server2_sw2_port0", "50:00:d3:10:05:01:02:03"
- 'alishow' can be used see defined aliases.
- 'alidelete' can be used to delete defined aliases.
Create zone using aliases
To create zone using aliases use:
zonecreate "<zone-name>", "<alias1>; <alias>; <alias3>; ... "
Example: zonecreate "server2_zone", "server2_sw2_port0; storage_port1; storage_port2; storage_port3"
- 'zoneshow' can be used to see defined zones.
- 'zonedelete' can be used to delete defined zones.
Create configuration using zones
To create configuration using zones use:
cfgcreate "<cfg-name>", "<zone1-name>; <zone2-name>; <zone3-name>; ..."
Example: cfgcreate "switch2", "server1_zone; server2_zone; server3_zone ..."
- 'cfgshow' can be used to see defined configurations.
- 'cfgdelete' can be used to delete defined configuration.
Save defined configuration
To save defined configuration use:
Enable configuration
To enable configuration (ie apply it on running switch) use:
cfgenable <cfg-name>
For example, cfgenable switch2
List WWN seen by switch
To list all WWN seen by switch use:
See detailed port information
To see detailed information about port use:
portshow <port-number>
where <port-number> starts from 0. For example portshow 0.
Example sequences
Example sequence for creating a new zone
switchshow #OR nsshow to see virtual WWNs alicreate "ali01", "<wwn>" zonecreate "zone01", "stor_ali01; stor_ali01; ali01" cfgadd "cfg01", "zone01" cfgsave cfgenable "cfg01" cfgshow
Example sequence for removing existing zone
cfgshow cfgremove "cfg01", "zone01" zonedelete "zone01" alidelete "ali01" cfgsave cfgenable "cfg01"
Using NPIV with brocade switches
Virtualization hosts often support virtualization of FC HBAs so that LUNs can be mapped directly with VMs. In case of VMWare it is called Raw Device Mapping and leads to limitation on vMotion, Snapshots, Backup, etc. features. However, for Hyper-V by using two WWN's apparently even in case of RDM, the VM can be migrated from one host to another - Refer:
To use NPIV with brocade switches first validate whether NPIV is enabled at port level or not:
portcfgshow <port-number>
and validate NPIV Enabled is true / yes
Then to see NPIV WWN use command:
The output would show physical initiator and NPIV initiator differently.
Then zoning can be done for VM WWNs similar to the way it is done for physical host.
Home > Switch configuration notes > Configuring brocade switch for SAN zoning