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Revision as of 14:27, 27 January 2017

<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_ansible_playbooks|CentOS 7.x ansible playbooks</yambe:breadcrumb> <yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS 7.x cacti</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 7.x automated configuration of cacti using ansible playbook

To do automated setup of cacti using ansible in CentOS 7.x use following playbook:

  - name: Playbook for installing cacti
    hosts: cacti-hosts
    remote_user: root

    - name: Setup epel-release repository
      yum: name=epel-release state=present

    - name: Install required packages
      yum: name={{item}} state=present
      - httpd
      - mariadb-server
      - php-mysql
      - php-pear
      - php-common
      - php-gd
      - php
      - php-mbstring
      - php-cli
      - php-snmp
      - net-snmp-utils
      - net-snmp-libs
      - rrdtool 
      - cacti
      - mysql-connector-python #For ansible
      - MySQL-python #For ansible
    - name: Start and enable httpd, mariadb and snmpd
      service: name={{item}} state=started enabled=yes
      - httpd
      - mariadb
      - snmpd
    - name: Create database for cacti
      mysql_db: name=cacti state=present

    - name: Get cacti sql file path
      shell: rpm -ql cacti | grep cacti.sql
      register: cacti_sql_path

    - name: Restore cacti database
      shell: mysql cacti < {{cacti_sql_path.stdout}}; touch /root/cacti_database_imported
        creates: /root/cacti_database_imported
    - name: Set blank password for cacti in db.php
      shell: sed -i 's/cactiuser//' /etc/cacti/db.php

    - name: Set correct username for cacti in db.php
        dest: /etc/cacti/db.php
        regexp: "database_username"
        line: '$database_username = "root";'

    - name: Allow access to cacti from everywhere
        dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/cacti.conf
        insertafter: "Require host localhost"
        line: "Require all granted" 
      - restart httpd

    - name: Enable cacti cron polling
      copy: src=cacti dest=/etc/cron.d/cacti mode=644 owner=root group=root

    - name: Print completion message
      debug: msg="Open http://<server>/cacti and complete installation.  Login using admin:admin"

    - name: restart httpd
      service: name=httpd state=restarted   

The playbook requires cron file named 'cacti' with following content:

*/5 * * * *	cacti	/usr/bin/php /usr/share/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1

The playbook assumes hosts file similar to:


<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_ansible_playbooks|CentOS 7.x ansible playbooks</yambe:breadcrumb> <yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS 7.x cacti</yambe:breadcrumb>