CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup Management server

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Setup management server">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup Management server

Based on various experiments, it looks like management machine should be in same subnet - VLAN - network as KVM hosts.

To setup Cloudstack 4.15 management server use following steps:

  1. Initialize server using CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Initialize infrastructure server
  2. Configure cloudstack repository by creating '/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack.repo'
  3. Install cloudstack-management package:
    dnf -y install cloudstack-management
  4. Initialize cloudstack DB using:
    cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<clouduser-db-password>@<database-ip>:3306 --deploy-as=root:<rootuser-db-password> -i <management-server-ip>
    Although documentation suggests we can use the above command without --deploy-as for additional management server. That does not works. Doing so has led to unusable system every time. See http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/ for the suggestion on additional management servers which does not works.
    Most likely additional management servers require use of external load balancer and initial DB setup must be done with -i <load-balancer-ip>
  5. Persistently mount secondary storage (eg /mnt/secondary) on cloudstack management server using /etc/fstab. Refer CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup NFS server
  6. Initialize Management Server using:
  7. Prepare the System VM Template for cloudstack 4.15 using:
    /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/storage/secondary/cloud-install-sys-tmplt -m /mnt/secondary -u http://download.cloudstack.org/systemvm/4.15/systemvmtemplate-4.15.0-kvm.qcow2.bz2 -h kvm -F
    Here -m /mnt/secondary points to location of secondary storage mounted in previous steps
    Note that if version of cloudstack changes from 4.15 then above systemvm template URLs might also change.
  8. Check Management server status using:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl status cloudstack-management.service
  9. Setup at least one KVM host as described at CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup KVM host
  10. Access cloudstack management at port 8080 at URL /client such as http://<cloudstack-management-ip>:8080/client/
    Default username is admin and Default password is password

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Setup management server">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>