Setup git over SSH server

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Versioning tools > git > Setup git over SSH server

To setup git over SSH server use following steps:

  1. First ensure that all users who are going to use the repository are in some user group.
  2. Ensure that all users of created group have SSH access to machine.
  3. Create a folder for storing git repository. Ideally folder should be located in common location such as '/opt/git' and not in some users home folder
  4. Initialize git repository by going into repository folder and using 'git --bare init --shared' command
  5. Change permisssion on repository folder using 'chgrp -R <group_name> <folder_name>'
  6. Now on users machine use following steps:
    1. Configure git name and email using:
      git config --global "Your Name"
      git config --global
    2. Clone git repository at users machine using:
      git clone ssh://<ssh_username>@<machine_ip_or_name><git_repository_folder>
    3. Make changes to local repository using something like
      touch a.txt
      git add a.txt
      git commit -m "Added a.txt for testing"
    4. Push changes to repository using:
      git push origin master
    5. Pull changes from repository using:
      git pull origin master

If SSH access is provided only for git and it is desired that users should not be able to perform any other activity then one can use Restricting SSH access to a given command configuration.

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Versioning tools > git > Setup git over SSH server