Pacemaker start and stop for Hana DB and application servers

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pacemaker should not auto-start on node after reboot

The below article assumed paceamaker service does not automatically start on App and DB servers on OS boot. If the App or DB has pacemaker service enabled to automatically start on boot then steps might differ. Especially in that case the primary App (ACS) might start on secondary node and ERS might start on primary node. Hence best option is to have auto-start of pacemaker disabled on machie boot.

If that is not possible, we should consider putting secondary node in maintenance mode before removing cluster from maintenance mode using:

crm node maintenance <NODENAME>

Once cluster services are up and running on primary properly. Then for secondary node use:

crm node ready NODENAME

Stopping services

For stopping services:

  • Stop Application servers
  • Stop Database servers
  • Stop NFS server

Stop Application servers

To stop application servers use:

  1. Put the cluster in maintenance mode:
    crm configure property maintenance-mode=true
  2. Stop SAP services (PAS & AAS services) with help of SAP Application team
  3. Stop cluster services on Secondary node
      1. Stop pacemaker cluster
      systemctl stop pacemaker.service
    1. Check services status
      crm status
  4. Stop cluster services on Primary node
    1. Stop pacemaker cluster
      systemctl stop pacemaker.service
    2. Check cluster services status
      crm status

Stop Database servers

To stop database server use:

  1. Put the cluster in maintenance mode:
    crm configure property maintenance-mode=true
  2. Stop SAP DB services with help of SAP team
  3. Stop cluster services on Secondary node
    1. stop pacemaker cluster
      systemctl stop pacemaker.service
    2. Check cluster services status
      crm status
    3. Check HANA DB services status
      su - <username>
      HDB info
  4. Stop cluster services on Primary node
    1. Stop pacemaker cluster
      systemctl stop pacemaker.service
    2. Check cluster services status
      crm status
    3. Check HANA DB services status
      su - <username>
      HDB info

Starting services

To start services:

  • Start NFS servers
  • Start database servers
  • Start application servers

Start database servers

To start database server use:

  1. Start HANA DB manually on primary node. Take Help from SAP team
  2. Also wait for SAP application team to start Primary to Secondary replication at DB level. Once replication to secondary is in proper state, we can proceed further.
  3. Start cluster services on Primary node
    1. Start pacemaker cluster
      systemctl start pacemaker.service
    2. Remove cluster from maintenance mode:
      crm configure property maintenance-mode=false
    3. Check cluster services status
      crm status
  4. After starting the services in master node, wait for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Start cluster services on Secondary node
    1. Start pacemaker cluster
      systemctl start pacemaker.service
    2. Check cluster services status
      crm status

Start application servers

To start application servers use:

  1. Start cluster services on Primary node
    1. Start pacemaker cluster
      systemctl start pacemaker.service
    2. Remove cluster from maintenance mode:
      crm configure property maintenance-mode=false
    3. Check cluster services status
      crm status
  2. Check the cluster services on Secondary node
    1. Start cluster on secondary node
      systemctl start pacemaker
    2. Secondary node might automatically restart due to fencing, after the pacemaker cluster is started on the Primary node
    3. After reboot, again start pacemaker on secondary node and check cluster services status
      systemctl start pacemaker
      crm status
  3. Start SAP services (PAS & AAS services) with help of SAP Application team. This typically involves below on both application servers one for ERS and for ASCS:
    su - <sapuser>


Home > Suse > SAP setup and maintenance > Pacemaker start and stop for Hana DB and application servers