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Revision as of 04:31, 13 November 2012


We can use transconnect to tunnel direct connections via HTTP proxy so that applications that do not support proxy servers also work properly. For this to work proxy server must support CONNECT to remote host on given port numbers.

To use transconnect follow these steps:

  1. Download latest transconnect source code from https://sourceforge.net/projects/transconnect/
  2. Use normal Linux user (non-root) to perform below steps.
  3. Edit 'Makefile' and append '-fPIC' to 'LDFLAGS'
  4. make. Ignore errors that show up while running make.
  5. make install
  6. Go to '~/.tconn' folder.
  7. Edit 'tconn.conf' file and specify proper proxy server, port, authentication (if required) and local networks.
  8. Use
    export LD_PRELOAD=$HOME/.tconn/tconn.so
    in bash shell and then all future applications run from same shell would be able to connect directly via proxy speciffied in configuration file. You can also optionally create '~/.tconn/resolv.conf' and add other nameserver details in it.

Note that this can be used in combination with andriod proxoid application to access Internet directly but local DNS is required to work for resolution. Or we can access websites or applications using IP address instead of hostname.