CentOS 7.x Install Metasploit
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Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > VAPT Tools > Metasploit > CentOS 7.x Install Metasploit
To install metasploit use following steps:
- Disable firewalld and selinux
- systemctl stop firewalld
- systemctl disable firewalld
- setenforce 0
- #set SELINUX=disabled in below file
- vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- Copy Linux installer to a Linux machine. chmod +x and run it. Example:
- chmod +x metasploit-latest-linux-x64-installer.run
- #Below requires graphical login (Local or ssh -X)
- ./metasploit-latest-linux-x64-installer.run
- Complete setup with all defaults eg SSL port:3790. The setup takes considerable time, so need to be patient
- Reboot the machine for metasploit to startup properly on machine boot. 'systemctl start metasploit' does not seem to help without reboot.
- Open https://localhost:3790/ (Note that localhost is required till initial login is created. After that FQDN can be used.)
- If localhost browser access is not feasible (Eg cloud) then in install-path (/opt/metasploit) there is a createuser script which can be used to create user over SSH as follows:
- cd /opt/metasploit
- ./diagnostic_shell
- #On diagnostic shell prompt
- ./createuser
- #Give username eg root and note password
- If localhost browser access is not feasible (Eg cloud) then in install-path (/opt/metasploit) there is a createuser script which can be used to create user over SSH as follows:
- Open https://FQDN:3790/ and login as root user. Activate product with activation key received in email.
- Change root password, if desired using "Account - root" -> "User settings" page from top right.
- Restart metasploit after activation using:
- systemctl restart metasploit
- systemctl status metasploit
Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > VAPT Tools > Metasploit > CentOS 7.x Install Metasploit