CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup Management server
From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb self="Setup management server">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>
CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup Management server
Based on various experiments, it looks like management machine should be in same subnet - VLAN - network as KVM hosts.
To setup Cloudstack 4.15 management server use following steps:
- Initialize server using CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Initialize infrastructure server
- Configure cloudstack repository by creating '/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack.repo'
- [cloudstack]
- name=cloudstack
- baseurl=http://download.cloudstack.org/centos/$releasever/4.15/
- enabled=1
- gpgcheck=0
- Install cloudstack-management package:
- dnf -y install cloudstack-management
- Initialize cloudstack DB using:
- cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<clouduser-db-password>@<database-ip>:3306 --deploy-as=root:<rootuser-db-password> -i <management-server-ip>
- Although documentation suggests we can use the above command without --deploy-as for additional management server. That does not works. Doing so has led to unusable system every time. See http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/ for the suggestion on additional management servers which does not works.
- Most likely additional management servers require use of external load balancer and initial DB setup must be done with -i <load-balancer-ip>
- Persistently mount secondary storage (eg /mnt/secondary) on cloudstack management server using /etc/fstab. Refer CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup NFS server
- Initialize Management Server using:
- cloudstack-setup-management
- Prepare the System VM Template for cloudstack 4.15 using:
- /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/storage/secondary/cloud-install-sys-tmplt -m /mnt/secondary -u http://download.cloudstack.org/systemvm/4.15/systemvmtemplate-4.15.0-kvm.qcow2.bz2 -h kvm -F
- Here -m /mnt/secondary points to location of secondary storage mounted in previous steps
- Note that if version of cloudstack changes from 4.15 then above systemvm template URLs might also change.
- Check Management server status using:
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl status cloudstack-management.service
- Setup at least one KVM host as described at CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup KVM host
- Access cloudstack management at port 8080 at URL /client such as http://<cloudstack-management-ip>:8080/client/
- Default username is admin and Default password is password
<yambe:breadcrumb self="Setup management server">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>