AI tools

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Revision as of 04:30, 26 February 2024 by Saurabh (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Home > Online tools and utilities > AI tools By using Very large language models we see emergent behavior and capabilities that we do not see in other smaller models. With the rise of LLMs we have a large no. of AI tools at disposal. Some of them are described below. =Used tools= ; : This allows asking very specific queries and getting a precise answer. The best part of this tool is precision and also references based...")
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Home > Online tools and utilities > AI tools

By using Very large language models we see emergent behavior and capabilities that we do not see in other smaller models. With the rise of LLMs we have a large no. of AI tools at disposal. Some of them are described below.

Used tools
This allows asking very specific queries and getting a precise answer. The best part of this tool is precision and also references based on which the answers are provided.
This has two various free and Paid. With free version we can ask generic questions on how to do something, write articles, convert from one language to another, etc. The answers are based on mixed understanding of things from the web read before certain date eg Oct 2021. In case of paid version we can give links web or pdf to be read and interpreted. The tool can also be used to write code in various programming languages based on human English description.
Newer edition of bard. This is similar to chatGPT with at least two advantages. It sometimes gives reference link same as It also has access to Internet so information is latest and we can refer to URL in our queries.

Tools to try in future

Writes anything
Generates art
Write code
Generates video
Generates music
Generates tiktok
Generate Avatars
Create PPT
Edit pictures
Edit videos
Summarize notes

Home > Online tools and utilities > AI tools