CentOS 7.x Configure basic NFSv4 server for sharing folders between two machines

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Configure basic NFSv4 server for sharing folders between two machines">CentOS_7.x_NFS|NFS</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 7.x Configure basic NFSv4 server for sharing folders between two machines

On NFS4 server where folder to be shared is present, edit /etc/exports and add:

   <folder-to-be-shared>   *(rw,no_root_squash,crossmnt)

Ensure that nfsserver is running:

   systemctl enable nfsserver
   systemctl start nfsserver

On the NFS4 server disable firewall and SELinux for easy configuration:

   systemctl disable firewalld
   systemctl stop firewalld
   setenforce 0
   #edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux and set SELINUX=disabled

To verify that folders are exported properly use:

   showmount -e
   exportfs -v

to see exported filesystems and related export options.

Finally, on client test using:

   mount -t nfs4 <nfs4-server-ip-or-fqdn>:<exported-folder> <client-mount-point>

If this test is successful, add appropriate lines in /etc/fstab to automatically mount the nfs share on client boot.

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Configure basic NFSv4 server for sharing folders between two machines">CentOS_7.x_NFS|NFS</yambe:breadcrumb>