CentOS 7.x Install ownCloud OnlyOffice Integration App

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Web Based Tools > owncloud > CentOS 7.x Owncloud app installation > CentOS 7.x Install ownCloud OnlyOffice Integration App

To integrate owncloud with onlyoffice use following steps:

  1. Change directory to the ownCloud apps directory.
    For example in case of bitnami stack use 'cd /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud/htdocs/apps/'
  2. Download OwnCloud OnlyOffice integration app from https://marketplace.owncloud.com/apps/onlyoffice and extract it in apps folder.
  3. Set daemon:daemon ownership (in case of bitnami)
    chown -R daemon:daemon onlyoffice
    In case of source based installation apache:apache ownership might be required
    chown -R apache:apache onlyoffice
  4. Then go to ownCloud Apps page, click Not Enabled tab and enable the OnlyOffice app.
  5. After that, go to ownCloud admin page, select ONLYOFFICE tab on the left pane and enter your domain name in Document Editing Service Address field. Then click save. Ideally "settings saved successfully" message should come.
    In case save is failing with timeout or other errors specially in case of self-signed certificates try:
    1. Edit /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud/htdocs/config/config.php and append
      'onlyoffice' =>
      array (
      'verify_peer_off' => TRUE,
    2. Restart owncloud apache using command similar to '/opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/ctlscript.sh restart'
    3. Edit /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json and change "rejectUnauthorized": from true to false
    4. Restart onlyoffice machine for new changes to take effect
    5. If still errors are shown refer CentOS 7.x add ca or host certificate as trusted certificate at OS level and ensure that onlyoffice and owncloud hosts trust each other
  6. After saving the above setting, you should be able to create documents, spreedsheets and presentation files within ownCloud


Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Web Based Tools > owncloud > CentOS 7.x Owncloud app installation > CentOS 7.x Install ownCloud OnlyOffice Integration App