CentOS 7.x Upgrade owncloud to newer version or updated stack

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CentOS 7.x Upgrade owncloud to newer version or updated stack

CentOS 7.x upgrade owncloud to newer version or updated stack using following steps:

The steps were built while upgrading source based installation of owncloud 9.1 and migrating to bitnami stack based installation of 10.1. For other versions use steps judiciously.

  1. Take database dump of older owncloud
  2. Restore database dump to newer owncloud using database crendentials of new server. For this no need to start apache/owncloud interface. Only start mysqld database on new server.
    For example in case of bitnami do "./ctlscript.sh start mysql"
    For this use steps similar to:
    1. Run "/opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/mysql/bin/mysql -u bn_owncloud -p" on bash to get mysql prompt for running further commands
    2. drop database bitnami_owncloud;
    3. create database bitnami_owncloud;
    4. use bitnami_owncloud;
    5. source <path-to-sql-dump-from-old-server>;
    6. exit
  3. Ensure data folder from older owncloud is copied/moved to newer owncloud and permissions are updated
    Example steps:
    cd /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud
    mv data data2
    mv /var/www/html/owncloud/data data
    chown -R daemon:daemon data
    ls -l #validate 770 permission on new data folder
    • Other option is to leave files at same place and modify 'datadirectory' parameter in '/opt/owncloud-<version>/apps/owncloud/htdocs/config/config.php file. But even after this setting daemon:daemon ownership is important.
  4. cd owncloud htdocs folder
    Eg /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud/htdocs
  5. Then try to upgrade owncloud
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ maintenance:mode --on
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ upgrade
    This might show error such as
    ownCloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
    You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Set log level to debug
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Repair step: Upgrade app code from the marketplace
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Repair warning: You have incompatible or missing apps enabled that could not be found or updated via the marketplace.
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Repair warning: Please install or update the following apps manually or disable them with:
    occ app:disable activity
    occ app:disable files_pdfviewer
    occ app:disable files_texteditor
    occ app:disable gallery
    occ app:disable templateeditor
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Repair warning: For manually updating, see https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.1/go.php?to=admin-marketplace-apps
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 OC\RepairException: Upgrade is not possible
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Update failed
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Maintenance mode is kept active
    2019-03-13T09:01:56+00:00 Reset log level
    In lab tests we have observed error for 'files_antivirus' is not shown during upgrade from 9.1 to 10.0. Also it makes sense to download apps such as onlyoffice and user_ldap at this stage if they were in use in previous setup before continuing with 'occ upgrade' so that these apps also get upgrades properly.
  6. Based on this disable apps using
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ app:disable activity
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ app:disable files_pdfviewer
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ app:disable files_texteditor
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ app:disable gallery
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ app:disable templateeditor
  7. Then again try update using:
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ upgrade
    which might show error such as
    ownCloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
    You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Set log level to debug
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Repair step: Upgrade app code from the marketplace
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Repair step: Repair MySQL database engine
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Repair step: Repair MySQL collation
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Repair info: Change collation for oc_activity ...
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException: An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE `oc_activity` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;':
    SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Update failed
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Maintenance mode is kept active
    2019-03-13T09:07:29+00:00 Reset log level
    This error is common while upgrading from 9.1 to 10.0. Hence while upgrading from 9.1 to 10.0 to avoid this error in first place edit '/opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud/htdocs/config/config.php' and update to ''mysql.utf8mb4' => false,'
  8. To fix MySQL issues on upgrade use
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ config:system:set mysql.utf8mb4 --type boolean --value="false"
    then upgrade using
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ upgrade
    and then disable maintenance mode using:
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ maintenance:mode --off
  9. If user_ldap app was used in 9.1 and then upgraded to 10.0 then note that LDAP users do not automatically show up until sync is run. For this use steps:
    1. Run manual sync using:
      cd /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud/htdocs
      sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ user:sync "OCA\User_LDAP\User_Proxy"
      Example IO for this is
      If unknown users are found, what do you want to do with their accounts? (removing the account will also remove its data)
      [0] disable
      [1] remove
      [2] ask later
      > 2
      Analysing known accounts ...
      3 [============================]
      No removed users have been detected.
      Inserting new and updating all known users from OCA\User_LDAP\User_Proxy ...
      169 [============================]
      Based on below references:
  10. Optionally create /etc/cron.daily/owncloud-maintenance.sh with
    cd /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/apps/owncloud/htdocs
    sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php -f cron.php
  11. Set execute permissions on cron file and test it:
    chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/owncloud-maintenance.sh
  12. At this point apache/owncloud frontend can be started.
    Example command ./ctlscript.sh start apache


Additional lessons while using above process to upgrade owncloud

Used above steps to update from an older bitnami stack to newer bitnami stack. Some of the differences / additional lessons learned are captured below:

Wrong ownership on config/config.php file

During updated stack installation installation may fail with log output in /tmp such as:

Owner of config.php: daemon
Try adding 'sudo -u daemon ' to the beginning of the command (without the single quotes)
Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php
Current user: root

#On the screen you might see
Script stderr:
 child process exited abnormally

Error running /opt/owncloud-10.5.0-1/apps/owncloud/scripts/owncloudinstall.sh : child process exited abnormally
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
 Error running /opt/owncloud-10.5.0-1/apps/owncloud/scripts/owncloudinstall.sh : child process exited abnormally
Executing /opt/owncloud-10.5.0-1/ctlscript.sh stop apache > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Script exit code: 0

To solve this open another terminal and run:

while true; do chown root:root /opt/owncloud-<version>/apps/owncloud/htdocs/config/config.php; sleep 1; done

With this the new log output in /tmp should be similar to:

Executing /opt/owncloud-10.5.0-1/apps/owncloud/scripts/owncloudinstall.sh 
Script exit code: 0

Onlyoffice avoid self-signed certificate validation

In config.php for owncloud include:

  'onlyoffice' => 
  array (
    'verify_peer_off' => true,

Download apps before the upgrade in the new setup

We can compare the list of apps 'ls /opt/owncloud-<version>/apps/owncloud/htdocs/apps' between both old and new version. In case there are apps in older version that are not present in newer bitnami stack by default, we can download and keep extracted version of them in newer stack apps folder to upgrade them seamlessly while upgrading stack.

If there is an app for which newer version is not available we need to disable it using:

#::      sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-10.1.0-1/php/bin/php occ app:disable

before upgrade. For example during a specific upgrade the comparison result was:

[root@ldap ~]# diff old-apps.txt new-apps.txt 
> files_mediaviewer
< files_videoplayer
[root@ldap ~]# 

Based on this disabled files_videoplayer during upgrade. Also validated that files_mediaviewer can play videos. This was necessary as no updated version of videoplayer was available on owncloud marketplace.

occ upgrade fails with table error

If "occ upgrade" failed due to columns on oc_activity table with error

2020-10-02T18:58:39+00:00 Repair info: Change collation for oc_accounts ...
2020-10-02T18:58:44+00:00 Repair info: Change collation for oc_activity ...
2020-10-02T19:09:32+00:00 Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException: An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE `oc_activity` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;':

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
2020-10-02T19:09:32+00:00 Update failed
2020-10-02T19:09:32+00:00 Maintenance mode is kept active
2020-10-02T19:09:32+00:00 Reset log level

Then based on https://github.com/nextcloud/news/issues/226 dropping oc_activity table seemed likely a good idea as activity history is not that critical. Much more information about owncloud database structure has been learned since this maintenance and is available at CentOS 8.x Owncloud direct DB queries

Note that "occ upgrade" also took considerable time of total 12.5+ hours. Most time was spent in step

  "Repair info: Change collation for oc_filecache..."
