CentOS 8.x Configure barjatiyarklp after OS installation overwriting existing root partition

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Configure barjatiyarklp after OS installation overwriting existing root partition">CentOS_8.x_New_machine_configuration|New machine configuration</yambe:breadcrumb>

Assuming older OS is reinstalled on / and that other partitions such as /mnt/data1/ are kept intact.

OS installation

  1. Install CentOS 8 server with GUI with required packages (Except Smart card tools, Infiband support, Legacy application support, etc.)
    During installation Select Asia/Kolkata timezone even if time is reported wrong. After installation correct time is automatically shown.
  2. First boot and accept license agreement
  3. Go through welcome wizard and disable use of "Location services" under privacy
  4. Configure wifi or wired LAN connectivity
  5. Open "Privacy" and disable screen lock. Validate that location services are also off.

Initial configuration

In terminal

  1. sudo su -
  2. visudo (Enable sudo access without password for wheel group)
  3. Disable SELinux (setenforce 0, /etc/sysconfig/selinux SELINUX=disabled)
  4. Edit /etc/hosts and add appropriate entries:
    • rekallcm1
    • Various backup.* entries
  5. Configure history retention Storing date / time with history command
  6. Edit /etc/yum.conf and configure keepcache=1
  7. Full update system using 'yum -y update --skip-broken'
  8. yum -y install epel-release
  9. yum -y install byobu

Install and configure required packages

Yum based packages

    yum -y remove bind-chroot
    yum -y install htop   #Colorful command-line top
    yum -y install gimp   #Advanced image editor useful for editing pdf as images
    yum -y install fdupes      #Duplicate file detection
    yum -y install p7zip       #Support for 7zip
    yum -y install expect      #For shell automation.  Includes mkpasswd utility
    yum -y install bind bind-utils   #For DNS related tasks
    yum -y install erlang      #Programming
    yum -y install git         #Version control
    yum -y install wireshark   #Packet capturing
    yum -y install libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress  #Libreoffice

Install and configure emacs

  1. yum -y install emacs
  2. Ensure /home/saurabh/.emacs and /home/saurabh/.emacs.d are symlink to appropriate folders of application-data
  3. Validate things are working by opening to-do.org file
  4. Configure nautilus to open .org file via emacs by default

Install vlc=

  1. yum -y install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/rpmfusion-free-release-8.noarch.rpm
  2. yum -y install vlc


Configure nautlius

  1. Open nautilus
  2. Create bookmarks for
    • /mnt/data1/workspace/gbb/owncloud/saurabh
    • /mnt/data1
    • /mnt/data1/plain_folders/documents/Desktop/rekall
  3. Configure nautilus to open .org file via emacs by default, if not done already
  4. vim ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs #As saurabh user
    Comment all except Desktop and Downloads
  5. vim /etc/xdg/user-dirs.default #As root user
    Comment all except Desktop and Downloads
  6. Logoff and login again
  7. Open nautilus and remove bookmarks for Documents, Music, Videos and Pictures


Configure firefox

  1. Ensure that /home/saurabh/.mozilla is symlink to application-data folder
  2. Starting firefox and see that various profiles are appearing properly.
  3. Validate history and stored passwords are working as expected

Install and configure thunderbird

  1. yum -y install thunderbird
  2. Create symbolic link
    ln -s /mnt/data1/workspace/application-data/thunderbird/ .thunderbird
  3. Run thunderbird and validate email accounts are accessible

Install Anydesk

  1. Go to https://anydesk.com/en/downloads/linux and Download Cent OS 8 (64-bit) anydesk rpm
  2. yum -y localinstall <downloaded-rpm>

Unable to set unattended anydesk even with root graphical desktop login

Configure SSH

  1. Symbolic link ssh from /mnt/data1
    ln -s /mnt/data1/workspace/application-data/ssh .ssh
  2. ssh root@rekallcm1
    Enter passphrase (4cs..) and enable automatic unlock during login

Install Google chrome

  1. Refer CentOS 7.x Installing Google chrome
  2. Start chrome
  3. Do not make chrome default browser and Disable submitting of usage information
  4. Test by opening www.google.com

Install flash-plugin

  1. Open https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
  2. Choose download of "Yum for Linux"
  3. Install downloaded rpm file
    yum -y localinstall adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
  4. Close all browsers (Esp. firefox)
  5. yum -y install flash-plugin
  6. Start firefox and check "about:plugins"

Configure git

  1. Configure various git parameters:
    git config --global user.name "Saurabh Barjatiya"
    git config --global user.email "saurabh@sbarjatiya.com"
    git config --global color.ui true
    git config --global color.status auto
    git config --global color.branch auto
    git config --global core.editor vim
  2. Configure to use simple push by default
    git config --global push.default simple
    Refer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21839651/git-what-is-the-difference-between-push-default-matching-and-simple

Postfix and logwatch

  1. Configure postfix gmail relay using Sending email via Gmail relay through postfix
  2. Edit /etc/aliases and add barjatiya.saurabh [at] gmail.com as alias for root.
  3. newaliases
  4. Install and configure logwatch

Install ntfs-3g and mount drives

  1. yum -y install ntfs-3g
  2. blkid
  3. mkdir -p /mnt/{cdrive,ddrive}
  4. Add /etc/fstab entries similar to
    UUID="E0722C3A722C17B4" /mnt/cdrive ntfs defaults 0 0
    UUID="8AE21E5EE21E4F37" /mnt/ddrive ntfs defaults 0 0
  5. mount -a
  6. df -h

Add Windows boot option

  1. CentOS 7.x Add Windows 7 boot option to grub2
  2. Reboot into Windows and check it is working


  • Re-add various older VMs
  • Unable to find below on CentOS 8
    yum -y install kile  #Latex editor
    yum -y install yaws        #Erlang web server
    yum -y install dia         #Diagram such as flowcharts or network design editor
    yum -y install kolourpaint #Basic image editor
    yum -y install bzr kdiff3  #For versioning and comparing files
    yum -y install unetbootin liveusb-creator livecd-tools #For creating live bootable USB from iso files
  • Unable to install and configure lxc
  • Unattended anydesk installation
  • Unable to install owncloud desktop client

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Configure barjatiyarklp after OS installation overwriting existing root partition">CentOS_8.x_New_machine_configuration|New machine configuration</yambe:breadcrumb>