Configuring basic MariaDB server

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Configuring basic MariaDB server


To install mariadb server use:

yum -y install mariadb-server


Starting mysql server

To start mysql server use:

systemctl start mariadb

Enabling on start-up

To configure mysql server such that it automatically runs on system boot use:

systemctl enable mariadb

Setting root password

By defauly mysql root user has no password (empty password) which is not very secure. To setup root password for mysql use '/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation' script. This script will ask for current root password which is blank and then will ask for new root password twice. It will also ask a number of other queries. Answer 'Y' (default) for all other queries.

Configuring application specific username, password and database

Many different applications can use MySQL database in parallel. In order to ensure isolation among such applications a different MySQL database with separate set of user credentials can be created for each application. To create a application specific MySQL database, corresponding user and password use:

  1. Login into mysql as root using 'mysql -u root -p'
  2. Create database using 'create database <database-name>;'
  3. Create user with permissions and passwords using
    grant all on <database-name>.* to <username>@localhost identified by '<password>';
  4. Reload privilege table using 'flush privileges;'

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