Configuring basic tftp server

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Configuring basic tftp server

To create a tftp server use:

  1. yum install tftp tftp-server
  2. Edit '/etc/xinetd.d/tftp', change disable to no
  3. Start xinetd service or restart if already running
  4. Disable firewall as TFTP connection request originates on UDP port 59 but actual data transfer can be on any port. (Out of band).

Using TFTP server with switch

When copying file from tftp server to switch ensure that file permissions allow switch to read the file. When copying file from switch to tftp server, one needs to create empty file with same name and give it 777 permissions before we can copy data from switch to tftp server. Hence we have to create empty world writable file before we can use tftp to copy data from switch to tftp-server. Even making parent directory permissions 777 wont help, one must create empty file before we can copy files to tftp-server.

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