Converting git repository to bazaar

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Revision as of 08:08, 12 September 2018 by Saurabh (talk | contribs)

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Converting git repository to bazaar">Bazaar|Bazaar</yambe:breadcrumb>

Converting git repository to bazaar

To convert git repository to bazaar repository use following steps:

  1. Install bzr-fastimport plugin using 'yum -y install bzr-fastimport'
  2. If multiple branches have to be converted then create bazaar repository using:
    bzr init-repo bzr-repo1
    Otherwise if only one branch has to be converted then create a standalone bazaar branch using:
    bzr init bzr-branch1
  3. Go to git repository folder and use command:
    git fast-export -M --all | (cd <bazaar repository or branch folder>; bzr fast-import -)
    Replace <bazaar repository or branch folder> with correct path
  4. Go to bazaar folder and check logs using 'bzr log -l 3'
  5. If everything is fine optionally remove git repository or branch and rename bazaar folder appropriately.

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Converting git repository to bazaar">Bazaar|Bazaar</yambe:breadcrumb>