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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Dstat">Monitoring tools|Monitoring tools</yambe:breadcrumb>

dstat for monitoring io usage

We can use dstat for monitoring hard disk or IO usage. From man page we can see that 'dstat -M time,cpu,net,disk,sys,load,proc,topcpu' command gives good enough information on process which is using disk a lot. dstat man pages also lists names of various other monitoring tools that can be very handy.

From dstat man page:

Performance tools ifstat(1), iftop(8), iostat(1), mpstat(1), netstat(1), nfsstat(1), nstat, vmstat(1), xosview(1)
Debugging tools htop(1), lslk(1), lsof(8), top(1)
Process tracing ltrace(1), pmap(1), ps(1), pstack(1), strace(1)
Binary debugging ldd(1), file(1), nm(1), objdump(1), readelf(1)
Memory usage tools free(1), memusage, memusagestat, slabtop(1)
Accounting tools dump-acct, dump-utmp, sa(8)
Hardware debugging tools dmidecode, ifinfo(1), lsdev(1), lshal(1), lshw(1), lsmod(8), lspci(8), lsusb(8), smartctl(8), x86info(1)
Application debugging mailstats(8), qshape(1)
Xorg related tools xdpyinfo(1), xrestop(1)
Other useful info collectl(1), proc(5), procinfo(8)

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Dstat">Monitoring tools|Monitoring tools</yambe:breadcrumb>