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Revision as of 08:30, 9 September 2018 by Saurabh (talk | contribs)

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Glype">Web based tools or applications|Web based tools or applications</yambe:breadcrumb>


glype is a very useful reverseproxy application. To setup glype on a machine use following steps:

Note: glype does not works if the hostname or FQDN of machine includes word glype. Hence use names such as

  1. Download glype sources
  2. Extract sources at /var/www/html or suitable DocumentRoot
  3. Ensure httpd, php packages are installed
  4. service httpd restart
  5. cd /var/www/html or DocumentRoot
  6. chmod 777 includes/settings.php
  7. Setup glype admin username and password by opening glype site in browser. Admin interface is at /admin.php?login
  8. To ensure that only legitimate users can use setup reverseproxy for opening intranet sites add authentication using Configuring authentication for apache using password file or Configuring LDAP based authentication for apache etc.

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Glype">Web based tools or applications|Web based tools or applications</yambe:breadcrumb>