Installing GLPI

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Installing GLPI

Manual installation

To manually install GLPI on a machine use following steps:

  1. Download latest stable GLPI from Internet ( at time of this writing)
  2. Install httpd, mod_ssl, php, php-ldap, mysql-server, php-mysql, php-mbstring, php-gd and MySQL-python packages
  3. Extract glpi sources in /var/www/html so that various files are in /var/www/html/glpi
  4. Create /var/www/html/index.html to redirect to glpi as explained at Redirecting_site_using_apache_configuration#Redirect_using_HTML_META_refresh
  5. chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
  6. service httpd start; chkconfig httpd on
  7. service mysqld start; chkconfig mysqld on
  8. Start mysql using 'mysql' command and use following:
    create database glpi;
    grant all on glpi.* to glpi@localhost identified by '<password>'
    where <password> can be replaced suitably.
  9. Visit http://<server>/glpi and setup GLPI
  10. Login using username glpi and password glpi

Automated installation

For automated installation of glpi use following ansible script ('glpi.yaml'):

  - name: Download and install glpi
    hosts: glpi_servers
    user: root
      glpi_local_path: /root/glpi.tar.bz2
      httpd_document_root: /var/www/html/
      mysql_glpi_password: rekall123

    - name: Download GLPI from Internet
      get_url: url="{{ glpi_download_url }}"  dest="{{ glpi_local_path }}"
    - name: Install apache, mod_ssl, php, php-ldap, mysql-server, php-mysql, php-mbstring, php-gd 
      yum: name={{ item }} state=present
        - httpd
        - mod_ssl
        - php
        - php-ldap
        - mysql-server
        - php-mysql
        - php-mbstring
        - php-gd
        - MySQL-python
        - restart apache
    - name: Extract glpi downloaded sources in /var/www/html
      unarchive: copy=no src="{{ glpi_local_path }}" dest="{{ httpd_document_root }}" owner=apache group=apache #creates="{{ httpd_document_root }}"/index.html

    - name: Copy index.html file to documentroot
      copy: src=index.html dest="{{ httpd_document_root }}" owner=apache group=apache

    - name: Ensure files are owned by apache user
      file: dest="{{ httpd_document_root }}" owner=apache group=apache recurse=yes

    - name: Start and Enable httpd, mysqld
      service: name={{ item }} state=started enabled=yes
        - httpd
        - mysqld

    - name: Create glpi database in mysql
      mysql_db: name=glpi
    - name: Create glpi user and give all permissions on glpi database
      mysql_user: name=glpi password="{{ mysql_glpi_password }}" priv=glpi.*:ALL

    - name: Print web instructions
      debug: msg="Please visit http://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} and setup glpi using MySQL username glpi, password {{ mysql_glpi_password }} and host localhost.  Login using glpi:glpi"
    - name: Print post setup instructions
      debug: msg="After setup is complete also run glpi_postsetup.yaml playbook to remove install/install.php file from glpi server"

    - name: restart apache
      service: name=httpd state=restarted

The ansible script assumes availability of index.html with following content:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
	<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=glpi" />

in same folder

Once installation is complete use following script for post-installation setup ('glpi_postsetup.yaml'):

  - name: Remove install/install.php from glpi
    hosts: glpi_servers
    user: root
      httpd_document_root: /var/www/html/

    - name: Remove install/install.php file
      file: path="{{ httpd_document_root }}"glpi/install/install.php state=absent