Migrate emails from Lotus Domino (v9.0) to Zimbra (v8.7GA)

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Migrate emails from Lotus Domino (v9.0) to Zimbra (v8.7GA)

  1. Setup Zimbra 8.7GA on a Linux server
  2. Login as admin (Typically https://<server-fqdn-or-ip>:7071/)
  3. Download Migration wizard from Lotus to Zimbra
  4. On a Windows machine setup Lotus client. There is no need to setup entire account just installation of lotus v9.0 client is enough.
  5. Download Lotus C++ API toolkit 3.0i from IBM site. Any free account can download the API, no special privileges or purchase is required.
  6. Extract lcppn30i.dll file from the API toolkit. Put this DLL file in the same folder as the downloaded migration wizard exe from Zimbra admin console.
  7. Obtain
    1. Lotus notes server IP
    2. Admin ID File (ID file for user with administrative privileges such as domino.admin@<domain>
    3. Lotus notes ini file (Can be of any user)
    4. Admin email ID (This should match with the ID file)
    5. Admin ID password (Corresponding to ID file and email ID) for Lotus server
    6. Zimbra server IP and admin password for Zimbra server.
    7. LDAP base dn. Typically O=<ORG-name> (case-sensitive)
  8. Run the migration wizard with appropriate values.

Note that private folders or folders such as archive which are typically stored on other servers (Different IP then lotus server IP mentioned in wizard) are not migrated. For these folders create a temporary local folder on the main lotus server. Copy all emails from other servers such as archive to folder on main lotus server. Perform migration. Optionally delete temporary local folder.


  1. https://files.zimbra.com/website/docs/8.6/Zimbra_Migration_Wizard_for_Domino_8.6.0.pdf
  2. https://www-01.ibm.com/marketing/iwm/tnd/nochargesearch.jsp?cat=&q0=&pf=&k=ALL&pn=&pid=&rs=&S_TACT=104CBW71&status=Active&S_CMP=&b=&sr=1&q=C+API+Domino&ibm-search.x=0&ibm-search.y=0
  3. https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/migration-from-lotus-domino-to-zimbra.55850/
  4. https://www.transend.com/scenario/zimbra-to-domino-notes/
  5. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/toolkits.html#notesdomino
  6. http://meiyinglim.blogspot.in/2008/07/link-to-download-lotus-notes-c-toolkit.html
  7. http://www.zimbra.com/docs/ne/latest/migration_wizard_for_domino_installation_guide/
  8. https://www.zimbra.com/docs/os/4.5.9/migration_wizard_for_domino_installation_guide/