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Steps have been learned using information from http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/authentication-ring.html
Steps have been learned using information from http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/authentication-ring.html

Revision as of 01:22, 17 May 2013


Miscellaneous bazaar issues

Storing authentication information in configuration files

If bazaar repository is hosted over http protocol then supplying username and password for every access of repository takes considerable time. To reduce effort in authenticating with server, at cost of additional security risk, one can use following steps for storing authentication information in configuration file:

  1. Create '~/.bazaar/authentication.conf' file with following contents
  2. Now test connection to given server by using bzr pull, bzr log, etc.

Note that this is considerably safer than supplying password in URL itself as 'bzr pull http://saurabh:<password>@ras.virtual-labs.ac.in/vlead-ras/ras' which would lead to password being captured in shell history.

Steps have been learned using information from http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/authentication-ring.html
