Remote desktop from Windows to Linux

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Home > Windows > Windows 7 or Vista > Remote desktop from Windows to Linux

To connect from Windows to Linux, a Xserver must be installed in Windows to display graphics exported by Linux machine. Thus following steps can be used:

  1. Download, Install and Run xming X Server for Windows. Any other Xserver would also do but xming seems to work well.
  2. Download, Install and Run putty with X11 forwarding enabled. Again any other client such as ssh from cygwin would also work.
  3. Verify display is set using 'echo $DISPLAY'. Some display such as 'localhost:10' should be shown.
  4. Run GUI program using 'gedit &' or something similar. Any GUI program can be used for testing. Note that some programs such as firefox only allow one running copy per user per machine. Thus if firefox is already running with some other login of same user on same machine, then it would fail to start.

Increasing size of fonts displayed in Xming

To increase size of fonts displayed for all text displayed using Xming create a shortcut for Xming with target:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xming\Xming.exe" -dpi 100 -render color -wr -clipboard -multiwindow

Home > Windows > Windows 7 or Vista > Remote desktop from Windows to Linux