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<yambe:breadcrumb self="cript for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately">Openvpn server configuration|Openvpn server configuration</yambe:breadcrumb>
<yambe:breadcrumb self="Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately">Useful bash shell scripts|Useful bash shell scripts</yambe:breadcrumb>
=Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately=
=Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately=

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately">Useful bash shell scripts|Useful bash shell scripts</yambe:breadcrumb>
<<yambe:breadcrumb self="cript for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately">Openvpn server configuration|Openvpn server configuration</yambe:breadcrumb>

Revision as of 09:11, 25 January 2019

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately">Useful bash shell scripts|Useful bash shell scripts</yambe:breadcrumb>

Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately

Following script can be used for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately:


sudo /sbin/service openvpn start
echo "Waiting for connection establishment to complete"
STATUS=$(ifconfig | grep '10\.7\.1\.1')
while [[ "$STATUS" = "" ]]; do
	echo -n ".";
	sleep 1
	STATUS=$(ifconfig | grep '10\.7\.1\.1')
echo "Connection successful"
echo "Going to replace nameserver"
sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.backup
echo "nameserver" > /tmp/resolv.conf
sudo mv /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
echo "Nameserver replaced"
echo "Press enter to disconnect..."
read A
sudo /sbin/service openvpn stop
echo "Going to restore nameserver"
sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf.backup /etc/resolv.conf
echo "Nameserver restored"

exit 0


  • The script assumes that after successful connection client would get IP Replace the "grep '10\.7\.1\.1'" line with appropriate condition such as "ifconfig | grep -A 1 tun0 | grep 'inet addr'" for the case.
  • The script assumes nameserver to be configured is This should be replaced with correct nameserver based on situation.

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Script for connecting to openVPN and updating nameserver appropriately">Useful bash shell scripts|Useful bash shell scripts</yambe:breadcrumb>