Difference between revisions of "Setup basic 389-DS server"

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#Ensure that FQDN resolves to IP and with help of /etc/hosts IP resolves to FQDN.  Without this setup fails.  Even after setup while running the server this is necessary for server to continue working.
#Ensure that FQDN resolves to IP and with help of /etc/hosts IP resolves to FQDN.  Without this setup fails.  Even after setup while running the server this is necessary for server to continue working.
#Run '<tt>setup-ds-admin.pl</tt>' and enter appropriate values to setup the server
#Run '<tt>setup-ds-admin.pl</tt>' and enter appropriate values to setup the server
#:If there is warning of low file-descriptors reboot
#:Choose following options
## Typical setup
## system user is ldapadmin, system group is ldapadmin
## register with existing server: no
## administrator id : admin
## Password: secret
## Other appropriate values
#Allow incoming TCP connections on port 389, 636 and 9830 in firewall
#Allow incoming TCP connections on port 389, 636 and 9830 in firewall
#Configure 389-ds to automatically start on system boot using:
#Configure 389-ds to automatically start on system boot using:

Revision as of 08:49, 4 August 2016


Setup basic 389-DS server

To setup basic 389-DS server use following steps:

  1. yum -y install epel-release
  2. If LDAP server is being setup on VM or base machine then do the following: (Not useful for container based setup)
    1. Edit '/etc/sysctl.conf'
      net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300
      net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
    2. In '/etc/security/limits.conf' add:
      * soft nofile 8192
      * hard nofile 8192
    3. Edit '/etc/profile' and at the end append
      ulimit -n 8192
    4. Edit '/etc/pam.d/login' and after last session required line add
      session required pam_limits.so
  3. Create ldapadmin user and set its password
  4. Install 389-ds and openldap-clients using:
    yum install -y 389-ds openldap-clients
  5. Ensure that FQDN resolves to IP and with help of /etc/hosts IP resolves to FQDN. Without this setup fails. Even after setup while running the server this is necessary for server to continue working.
  6. Run 'setup-ds-admin.pl' and enter appropriate values to setup the server
    If there is warning of low file-descriptors reboot
    Choose following options
    1. Typical setup
    2. system user is ldapadmin, system group is ldapadmin
    3. register with existing server: no
    4. administrator id : admin
    5. Password: secret
    6. Other appropriate values
  7. Allow incoming TCP connections on port 389, 636 and 9830 in firewall
  8. Configure 389-ds to automatically start on system boot using:
    chkconfig dirsrv-admin on
    chkconfig dirsrv on

To connect to server on administrators machine

  1. Install 389-ds (and not just 389-console)
  2. Use command:
    389-console -a http://<server-fqdn-or-ip>:9830/

Steps learned from http://www.unixmen.com/setup-directory-serverldap-in-centos-6-4-rhel-6-4/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wD-u5TMsfc
