Rocky 8.x gitlab install on a new machine

From Notes_Wiki

Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 8.x > DevOps > Version Control > gitlab > gitlab install on a new machine

To install gitlab on a Rocky 8.x machine use:

  1. Ensure proper DNS based resolution for desired FQDN.
    Installing gitlab using IP address will not work
  2. Configure the desired FQDN to resolve to LAN IP via /etc/hosts
  3. Upgrade the machine
    dnf -y upgrade
  4. Configure ntp client via CentOS 8.x chronyc ntp client configuration
  5. Create repository configuration file '/etc/yum.repos.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.repo' with following contents:
  6. Validate above repository is configured properly with
    dnf repolist
  7. Install and enable postfix with:
    dnf -y install postfix
    systemctl enable postfix
    systemctl start postfix
    systemctl status postfix
  8. Optionally if email should go via relay configure appropriate settings using CentOS 8.x postfix send email through relay or smarthost with smtp authentication
  9. Install gitlab using configured repo via:
    EXTERNAL_URL="http://<fqdn-selected-for-repo>" dnf install -y gitlab-ce
  10. Check initial root password in file '/etc/gitlab/initial_root_password'
  11. Login at http://<fqdn> via root and observed password.
  12. We can check installed gitlab version via:
    gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info


There is older article on this at CentOS 7.x gitlab on VM or phyical machine

Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 8.x > DevOps > Version Control > gitlab > gitlab install on a new machine