VCenter 6.7 or 7 certificate expiry leading to 503 service not available error

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Home > VMWare platform > VMWare vCenter > vCenter 6.7 or 7 certificate expiry leading to 503 service not available error

If vCenter internal certificates expire we may get 503 service unavailable error or other errors as shown at VMWare KB

To solve this use:

  1. You can validate whether you have this issue or not via steps explained at
    1. Downlooad checksts script from
    2. Copy the script to vCenter in /tmp
    3. SSH to vCenter and via shell run
      chsh -s /bin/bash root
      cd /tmp
  2. Assuming the STS certificates have expired or about to expire soon download fixsts from
  3. Copy the script to vCenter in /tmp. Dont open and save the script in windows using wordpad/notepad as it may change end-of-line character. That may have to be fixed using either dos2unix or via:
    sed -i -e 's/\r$//'
  4. SSH to vCenter and via shell run
    chsh -s /bin/bash root
    cd /tmp
    chmod +x
    service-control --stop --all && service-control --start --all
  5. Check other certificate expiry via:
    for i in $(/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli store list); do echo STORE $i; sudo /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store $i --text | egrep "Alias|Not After"; done

Note that instead of using scripts to fixsts we could also use:


and choose option "8. Reset all certificates". Most things can be left default. Enter correct IP address and FQDN of vCenter when prompted. When prompted with "Continue Operation (Y/N):" enter y to proceed.

Home > VMWare platform > VMWare vCenter > vCenter 6.7 or 7 certificate expiry leading to 503 service not available error