Automated installation of OpenVZ on CentOS using ansible

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > System administration tools > ansible > Ansible-playbooks > Automated installation of OpenVZ on CentOS using ansible

For automated installation of OpenVZ using ansible use following playbook:

- name: This script installs OpenVZ on base machines
  hosts: base_machines
  user: root
    default_container_conf_file: /etc/vz/conf/ve-vswap-256m.conf-sample
    container_files_dir: /mnt/data1/openvz_files/

  - name: Copy openvz repository file to /etc/yum.repos.d folder
    copy: src=openvz.repo dest=/etc/yum.repos.d/openvz.repo owner=root group=root mode=644

  - name: Install required packages (vzkernel, vzctl, vzquota, ploop)
    yum: name={{item}} state=present
      - vzkernel.x86_64 
      - vzctl.x86_64 
      - vzquota.x86_64 
      - ploop

  - name: Disable SELinux in configuration file
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/selinux/config regexp=^SELINUX= line=SELINUX=disabled

  - name: Disable SELinux for current boot
    shell: setenforce 0

  - name: Set correct firewall rules
    template: src=iptables dest=/etc/sysconfig/iptables
    - restart iptables

  - name: Enable packet forwarding in sysctl.conf file
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysctl.conf regexp="^net.ipv4.ip_forward"  line="net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1"

  - name: Enable packet forwarding for current run
    shell: sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

  - name: Configure OpenVZ to automatically add or remove bridged interfaces to corresponding bridges 
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/vz/vznet.conf line='EXTERNAL_SCRIPT="/usr/sbin/vznetaddbr"' create=yes

  - name: Configure default OpenVZ layout as simfs instead of ploop
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/vz/vz.conf regexp="^VE_LAYOUT="  line="VE_LAYOUT=simfs"

  - name: Configure default OpenVZ template to use 64-bit version
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/vz/vz.conf regexp="^DEF_OSTEMPLATE="  line='DEF_OSTEMPLATE="centos-6-x86_64"'
  - name: Enable various IP tables state modules in base machine
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/modprobe.d/openvz.conf regexp="^options" line="options nf_conntrack ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0"

  - name: Set default NETFILTER for new containers to full
    lineinfile: dest={{default_container_conf_file}} regexp="^NETFILTER"  line='NETFILTER="full"'

  - name: Delete xguest user
    user: name=xguest state=absent remove=yes

  - name: Create container files dir
    file: path={{container_files_dir}} state=directory mode=700 owner=root group=root
    - move_openvz_files

  - name: Stop unwanted service and disable them
    service: name={{item}} state=stopped enabled=no
    - abrtd
    - abrt-ccpp
    - auditd
    - bluetooth
    - cgdcbxd
    - fcoe
    - fcoe-target
    - hypervfcopyd
    - hypervkvpd
    - hypervvssd
    - ibacm
    - ipmidetectd
    - iscsi
    - iscsid
    - isdn
    - lldpad
    - nfslock
    - pcscd
    - rpcbind
    - rpcgssd
    - sandbox
    - spice-vdagentd
    - tog-pegasus
    - trace-cmd
    ignore_errors: yes

  - name: Download OpenVZ template for CentOS-6-x86_64
    get_url: url={{centos_template_url}} dest=/vz/template/cache/centos-6-x86_64.tar.gz force=no

  - name: Reboot machine for changes to take effect
    shell: shutdown -r now

  - name: restart iptables
    service: name=iptables state=restarted

  - name: move_openvz_files
    shell: 'mv /vz/* {{container_files_dir}} ; rmdir /vz;  ln -s {{container_files_dir}} /vz'

The playbook assumes openvz.repo file is present in current folder. This file can be downloaded from

The playbook also assumes file with name 'iptables' with following contents is present in same folder:

-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited 

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Virtualization tools > OpenvZ > Automated installation of OpenVZ on CentOS using ansible

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > System administration tools > ansible > Ansible-playbooks > Automated installation of OpenVZ on CentOS using ansible