Basic redmine configuration

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Web based tools or applications > Redmine configuration > Basic redmine configuration

Disable anonymous access

By default all redmine projects and issues are public and viewable by everyone. To disable this:

  1. Login as administrator
  2. Go to Adminsitration -> Settings -> Authentication
  3. Check "Authentication required" checkbox
  4. Click save

Configure outgong emails

  1. Configure sendmail on the machine so that it can send emails.
  2. 'cp {REDMINE_ROOT}/config/configuration.yml.example {REDMINE_ROOT}/config/configuration.yml'
  3. Edit the config/configuration.yml file and near the end where production: is present use:
    delivery_method: :sendmail
  4. Login as administrator in redmine and go to "Administration -> Settings -> Email notifications" and choose appropriate defaults.

Configure LdapAuthentication

Refer to Example configuration is:

Name     =
Host     =
Port     = 389
LDAPS    = no
Account  =    ;leave blank if anonymous access is allowed, else enter dn
Password =    ;password for above account if anonymous access is not allowed
Base DN  = dc=sbarjatiya,dc=com

On-the-fly user creation = yes
  Login     = uid
  Firstname = gn
  Lastname  = sn
  Email     = mail

Note in case of LDAPS redmine accepts self-signed certificates of LDAPS server without any problem.

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Web based tools or applications > Redmine configuration > Basic redmine configuration