CentOS 7.x install itop

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Web Based Tools > itop > CentOS 7.x install itop

To install itop in CentOS 7.x use:

  1. Install and enable httpd
    yum -y install httpd
    systemctl start httpd
    systemctl enable httpd
  2. Edit /etc/my.cnf file and under [mysqld] append:
  3. Install and enable mariadb-server
    yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server
    systemctl start mariadb
    systemctl enable mariadb
    #Old root password is empty. Remember new root password. Accept default Y/N for every other query.
  4. Install php and required php packages
    yum install -y php php-mysql php-mcrypt php-xml php-cli php-soap php-ldap graphviz php-gd
  5. Update php configuration by editing /etc/php.ini with following values
    post_max_size = 32M
  6. Restart apache for new php settings to take efffect
    systemctl restart httpd
  7. Download latest iTop from sourceforge. (2.4.0 from https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/itop/itop/2.4.0/iTop-2.4.0-3585.zip at time of this writing)
  8. Extract zip file in document root folder and give appropriate permissions for apache user
    cd /var/www/html
    unzip /root/iTop-2.4.0-3585.zip
    chown -R apache:apache .
    #Since files are inside web folder move them outside
    rm -f *
    mv web/* .
    rmdir web
  9. Open http://<server-ip-or-fqdn>/
    1. Choose "Continue" provided all pre-requisites are met.
    2. Choose option for installing a new iTop
    3. Accept license agreement and click next
    4. For database connection choose: Host:localhost, Username:root and Password set earlier during "mysql_secure_installation" step.
    5. Create a new database named itop. Click next.
    6. Choose iTop admin password. Click next.
    7. Leave most settings as it is. Choose option of setting up a production instance with emtpy database and click next.
    8. Leave all configuration management options selected and click next.
    9. In case of single tenant (Single organization) use 'Service Management for Enterprises'. In case of a service provider managing multiple customer infrastructure using single iTop use 'Service Management for Service Providers'. Click next.
    10. For simple ticket management without ITIL compliance use 'Simple Ticket Management'. If your organization needs to be ITIL compliant then use the corresponding option. If no ticketing is required then choose appropriately. Click next.
    11. Same as ticketing choose either simple change managment or ITIL based change management. Click next.
    12. If you want to build your own KB and FAQ then choose 'Known Errors Management'. For 'Problem Management' select the corresponding option. Click next.
    13. Finally click 'Install !' for installation.
    14. Click "Enter iTop"
  10. Do "crontab -e" as root user and do:
    0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/webservices/cron.php --auth_user=admin --auth_pwd=<admin-password> >/var/www/html/cron.out 2>&1 &


Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Web Based Tools > itop > CentOS 7.x install itop