CentOS 8.x Zimbra forward a copy of all incoming and outgoing emails to audit email ID

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 8.x > CentOS 8.x email servers > CentOS 8.x Zimbra > CentOS 8.x Zimbra forward a copy of all incoming and outgoing emails to audit email ID

For auditing or security compliance purposes, it might be required to forward a copy of all incoming / outgoing emails to a particular audit email ID. To configure such forwarding use below steps:

  1. Create '/opt/zimbra/conf/sender_bcc' with domains and email ID list where a copy of all outgoing mails of domain will be forwarded to given email ID:
    @example.com audit@example.com
    @rnd.com audit@example.com
  2. Similarly create '/opt/zimbra/conf/recipient_bcc' with domains and email ID list where a copy of all incoming emails of domain will be forwarded to given email ID:
    @example.com audit@example.com
    @rnd.com audit@example.com
  3. Build the maps
    su - zimbra
    postmap /opt/zimbra/conf/sender_bcc
    postmap /opt/zimbra/conf/recipient_bcc
  4. Update email configuration to use sender_bcc and recipient_bcc files created above at path '/opt/zimbra/common/conf/main.cf'
    sender_bcc_maps = lmdb:/opt/zimbra/conf/sender_bcc
    recipient_bcc_maps = lmdb:/opt/zimbra/conf/recipient_bcc
  5. Update ownership on files to zimbra:zimbra
    chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/conf/sender_bcc* /opt/zimbra/conf/recipient_bcc*
  6. Reload postfix configuration
    su - zimbra
    postfix reload
    zmmtactl restart


Home > CentOS > CentOS 8.x > CentOS 8.x email servers > CentOS 8.x Zimbra > CentOS 8.x Zimbra forward a copy of all incoming and outgoing emails to audit email ID