Get password last changed information for all users in AD

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Home > Windows > Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2 > Get password last changed information for all users in AD

Sometimes it might be required to get details on when all the users of domain had changed their password. This can be particularly useful if password policy (minimum length, complexity requirements) etc. have been changed and users have been asked to change their password to comply with new policy. This can also be useful after suspected compromise to reduce further attack possibilities by ensuring all user passwords are changed.

To get information on when users have changed their password last time, use:

  1. Download script from on desktop as PwdLastChanged.vbs
  2. Start 'cmd'
  3. cd Desktop
  4. cscript PwDLastChanged.vbs userlist.txt

After this file userlist.txt would have time of last password change of each user.

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