Obtaining pfsense installer

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Network related tools > Pfsense > Obtaining pfsense installer

To obtain pfsense installer go to pfsense downloads page and download either USB installer or CD-ROM iso image. CD-ROM iso image can be burned directly to CD and used. For using USB installer copy it a pen-drive using following steps:

  1. Make sure pen-drive has no useful information as all data on pen-drive would be lost as part of these steps.
  2. Do "fdisk -l" to determine device name of pen drive. On systems with just one hard-disk (/dev/sda) the pen-drive might get named /dev/sdb
  3. Use "dd if=pfSense-memstick-<version>.img of=/dev/<device-name>" command to copy the image
  4. Use "sync" command to sync information before removing the pen-drive

Now the pfsense installation can be started on a machine with pen-drive or CD