RHEL 8.x Spectrum Protect Server Installation

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Home > RHEL > RHEL 8.x > Backup tools > Spectrum Protect Backup > Spectrum Protect Server Installation

Minimum Requirements

  1. RHEL8 OS (CentOS not supported)
    Ensure GUI (X Windows System) is available.
  2. Java JRE should be install
    yum install java
  3. Disable SELINUX and Firewall
  4. Set proper hostname. This cannot be changed later. Ensure the same resolves to LAN IP in /etc/hosts file.
  5. Optionally configure a dedicated IP for backup configuration in case there is a separate backup network.
  6. Minimum 16GB RAM

Download Installers

  1. The installers are available at https://public.dhe.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/maintenance/

Server Installation

  1. Login to backup server via SSH
  2. Copy the Spectrum protect server installation file in appropriate location in Backup server (Eg /root)
  3. Run the installer from a sub-folder as it creates many files/folders in the $PWD when executed.
    chmod +x /root/
    mkdir /root/server-temp
    cd /root/server-temp
    ../ #Relative path to installer
  4. Run the installer
    cd /root/server-temp
    The installer might throw error if pre-requisites specified above are not matched.
  5. In Install screen, type N and press Enter
  6. In Licenses screen,
    Accept the license agreement - type A and press Enter
    For Next, Type N and press Enter
  7. In Shared Directory screen, type N and press Enter //(Default /opt/IBM/IBMIMShared)
  8. In Location screen, type N and press Enter //(Default /opt/tivoli/tsm)
  9. In "Custom panels" screen when prompted for "Select the product that you purchased",
    Select "IBM Spectrum Protect" product by entering 1 and press Enter
    Accept the license agreement - type A and press Enter
    Again Accept the license agreement - type A and press Enter
    For Next, Type N and press Enter
  10. In Summary screen, Choose Install by entering I and press Enter
  11. In Completion screen, Choose Finish by entering F and press Enter


  1. Copy the Spectrum protect Ops center file to /root directory in Backup server
  2. Login to Backup server via SSH
  3. Extract the installation file
    chmod +x /root/
    mkdir /root/optemp
    cd /root/optemp
  4. Run the installer from a sub-folder as it creates many files/folders in the $PWD when executed.
  5. Run the installer
  6. In IBM Installation Manager screen, Choose "Install" by entering 1 and press Enter
  7. In Install screen, select "Operations Center" by entering 1 and press Enter
  8. In Select screen, Select "version" by entering 1 and press Enter
  9. In Install screen, type N and press Enter
  10. In Location screen, type N and press Enter (Default: /opt/tivoli/tsm)
  11. In Features screen, type N and press Enter
  12. In Custom panels screen
    Press Enter at port number prompt (Default 11090)
    Create Password
    Type N and press Enter
  13. In Summary screen, Choose Install by entering I and press Enter
  14. In Completion screen, Choose Finish by entering F
  15. In IBM Installation Manager, Choose Exit by entering X

Connect the Backup Server to Operations Center

  1. Login to Ops Center
    username: admin
  2. In Introduction page, Verify backup server details, then Click on Next
  3. In At Risk indication page, Verify all the details, then click on Configure
  4. In Succeeded page, click on close

Unable to login to Ops Center web console due to TLS issues

If you are unable to login to Ops Center web cobsole due to TLS issues

The IBM Spectrum Protect server is not available or there was an issue creating an SSL connection. Verify that the server is running and that the certificate is valid. Try to log in again.

If issue still persists, Then first ensure that "3-User-Group-permissions.txt" and "4-Configuration-of-backup-server.txt" are completed. After that if required follow below steps:

  1. Login to backup server using SSH
  2. Stop the ops center service
    systemctl stop opscenter
  3. Run below command
    ikeycmd -cert -add -db /installation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer/gui-truststore.jks -file /server_instance_dir/cert256.arm -label 'label_description' -pw 'password' -type jks -format ascii -trust enable
    /opt/tivoli/tsm/ui/jre/bin/ikeycmd -cert -add -db /opt/tivoli/tsm/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer/gui-truststore.jks -file //spdata/spinst/cert256.arm -label 'label_description' -pw 'Abcd@1234@' -type jks -format ascii -trust enable
    Here Abcd@1234@ is the password given during "Custom Panels" screen of Ops Center
  4. Start the ops center service
    systemctl start opscenter
  5. It make take up to a minute to start. After that open Ops center using https://<ip>:11090/ and try login again

User and Group permissions

  1. Login to backup server via ssh
  2. Create group
    groupadd <groupname> -g <group-id>
    groupadd spsrvrs -g 1001
  3. Create user, add to the group and set password
    useradd -d <home-fodler-path> -u <uid> -g <gid> -s /bin/bash <username>
    useradd -d /home/spinst1 -u 1002 -g 1001 -s /bin/bash spinst1
    passwd spinst1
  4. Create required directories and set the permissions
    mkdir /spdata
    mkdir /spdata/spdb
    mkdir /spdata/splog
    mkdir /spdata/sparchlog
    mkdir /spdata/spinst
    mkdir /spdata/spback
    chown -R spinst1:spsrvrs /spdata

Configuration of backup server

  1. Login to backup server GUI console via root user
  2. Run the dsmcifgx
    cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
  3. Click OK on initial page with English language
  4. In Introduction page, Choose Next
  5. In Instance User ID page, Enter userid(spinst1), choose Next
  6. In Instance Directory page, Choose home directory(/spdata/spinst), then click Next
  7. In Database directories page,
    Select "The database directories are listed below"
    Enter /spdata/spdb
    Click choose Next
  8. In Recovery Log Directories page,
    Active log directory - /spdata/splog
    Primary archive log directory - /spdata/sparchlog
    Leave archive log mirror directory and secondary archive log directory as blank.
    Then click next
  9. In Server Information page,
    ServerName - BKSERVER
    Leave default settings, then choose Next
  10. In Administrator Credentials page,
    Administrator Name - admin
    Enter password twice, then choose Next
  11. In Server Communication page, leave default settings, then choose Next
  12. In Configuration Summary page, review the configuration, then choose Next
  13. In Configure Instance page, wait for "Configuration is complete" message, then click next
  14. In Configuration Successful page, click on Done

Certificate configure parameters in backup server

  1. Login to backup server
  2. Recreate SSL certificate
    cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/
    dsmcert -add -server <backupserver-hostname> -file <Path-to-cert256.arm>
    dsmcert -add -server bkserver -file /spdata/spinst/cert256.arm
  3. Change below parameters
    > SET SERVERHLADDRESS //backup-configuration-ip
    > setopt CommTimeOut 3200
    Do you wish to proceed? -- Enter Y
    > setopt IdleTimeOut 60
    Do you wish to proceed? -- Enter Y
    > register license file=tsmee.lic
    > update admin admin passexp=0 sessionsecurity=TRANSitional

Home > RHEL > RHEL 8.x > Backup tools > Spectrum Protect Backup > Spectrum Protect Server Installation