Rocky 8.x Gnome keyboard shortcuts

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Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 8.x > Desktop tools or applications > Gnome keyboard shortcuts

Switching display options
If we want to switch between mirrored screen to display only going to first monitor to display going only to second monitor etc. we can use "Super + P" or "Windows + P". Refer
Working with different windows eg one inside a VM etc. when Alt+Tab may not work
To switch between Windows when Alt+Tab may not work, due to browser full screen, working with application in a Rdesktop / VM, etc. we can try following: Shift one application to second workspace and second application to third workspace. Then shift between workspaces using "Win + PageUp" or "Win PageDown" buttons. To move a windows between workspaces use "Shift+Win+Page Up" or "Shift+Win+Page Down"

Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 8.x > Desktop tools or applications > Gnome keyboard shortcuts