Rocky 9.x Upgrade from CentOS Stream to Rocky

From Notes_Wiki

Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 9.x > System Administration > Upgrade from CentOS Stream to Rocky

The below steps would work both on CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Stream 9, to convert them to Rocky 8.x or Rocky 9.x appropriately.

  1. Ensure sufficient free space in / before proceeding
  2. Update to latest packages in CentOS Stream using:
    dnf update -y --allowerasing --skip-broken --nobest
  3. Install git
    dnf -y install git
  4. Download rocky-tools git repository in /tmp
    cd /tmp/
    git clone
  5. Run the migration script
    cd /tmp/rocky-tools/migrate2rocky
    chmod -v +x
    ./ -r
  6. If there is issue with some installed packages there will be dnf output indicating package names with issues. We need to remove those packages and try again:
    dnf remove ffmpeg-libs vlc-core vlc simplescreenrecorder
    Ensure that you dont remove any critical package that is required on the system being migrated to Rocky. Note the names of packages being removed including the ones getting removed due to dependency. We may have to install them again later.
  7. Reboot
    shutdown -r now
  8. Validate the new setup with Rocky Linux
  9. Optionally reinstall the packages that were removed during migration using dnf / other appropriate methods.


Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 9.x > System Administration > Upgrade from CentOS Stream to Rocky