Ubuntu HPC Create new user

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Home > Ubuntu > HPC setup with openpbs and openmpi > Create new user

Once HPC setup is done properly, to create any new user (eg user3) please use below steps:

  1. Create user using:
    useradd -m -d /export/home/user3 -s /bin/bash user3
    passwd user3
  2. Create SSH key and configure them as authorized using:
    su - user3
    cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  3. Validate key based ssh within master node using
    su - user3
    ssh user3@<masternode>
    This should not ask password for the self ssh as user3 on master node
  4. Update NIS database using root user on master node:
    make -C /var/yp
    systemctl restart nis
  5. Reboot all compute nodes
  6. Validate user details on compute node using:
    getent passwd user3
    The home folder for user3 should properly show as /export/home/user3
  7. Validate key-less SSH to compute nodes from master node using:
    su - user3
    ssh user3@<compute> #This should not ask password, Do for all compute nodes
  8. (Optionally) Run test job as explained at Ubuntu HPC Execute parallel jobs using user3.

Home > Ubuntu > HPC setup with openpbs and openmpi > Create new user