Ubuntu HPC NTP client setup on compute nodes

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Home > Ubuntu > HPC setup with openpbs and openmpi > NTP client setup on compute nodes

To configure client nodes to take their time update from master use:

  1. Install ntp package
    apt install -y ntp ntpdate
  2. Edit '/etc/ntp.conf' file and keep only master server as follows:
    server master prefer iburst
  3. Set correct time on current system using:
    systemctl stop ntp
    ntpdate -b master
  4. Start and enable ntp service
    systemctl start ntp
    systemctl enable ntp
  5. Check status of ntp service
    systemctl status ntp
    ntpq -p
    We should see time getting synced with master with st value much less than 16.

Home > Ubuntu > HPC setup with openpbs and openmpi > NTP client setup on compute nodes