Add power servers to vHMC

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Revision as of 11:12, 12 September 2022 by Saurabh (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Home > VIOS or AIX > Add power servers to vHMC To add power servers to a new HMC use: # Login into HMC web interface as hscroot user # Go to all Systems # Choose option for "Add Managed Systems" # Add the IP address of HMC (not VIOS) of the power server to be added # Enter hmc admin password for authentication. (Default password is admin). # On confirm Add systems popup click "Add" # There might be prompt to set ASM General password. We can leave...")
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Home > VIOS or AIX > Add power servers to vHMC

To add power servers to a new HMC use:

  1. Login into HMC web interface as hscroot user
  2. Go to all Systems
  3. Choose option for "Add Managed Systems"
  4. Add the IP address of HMC (not VIOS) of the power server to be added
  5. Enter hmc admin password for authentication. (Default password is admin).
  6. On confirm Add systems popup click "Add"
  7. There might be prompt to set ASM General password. We can leave default (admin/admin) or set new password as per requirement
  8. Add other power servers in same way
  9. Optionally download HMC scanner tool from and use it scan the server. Note that this requires incoming SSH on port 22 of HMC to be enabled.

Home > VIOS or AIX > Add power servers to vHMC