CentOS 7.x Cloudstack 4.11 Upload already created template

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > CentOS 7.x Cloudstack 4.11 > CentOS 7.x Cloudstack 4.11 Upload already created template

In Cloudstack templates can be created and downloaded as described at CentOS 7.x Cloudstack 4.11 Create template and download it for future use. Downloaded template can be uploaded on different cloudstack server or tenant etc. using:

  1. Cloudstack can take template from a public URL or also from a local server. For local server we can upload template to local http server and give its path. To allow local access use following:
    1. Go to Global Settings and edit "secstorage.allowed.internal.sites" to have comma separated list of local HTTP servers which host ISOs. Example list is
    2. After this on each management server do:
      systemctl restart cloudstack-management
  2. Again login to CloudStack management UI
  3. Host the template on a local http server
  4. Go to Template 'Add; option
  5. Give URL of template from where it can be downloaded
  6. Give appropriate name, description, zone, hypervisor (eg kvm), file format (eg qcow2), OS (eg CentOS 7.2), etc. details. Choose extractable, public, features and HVM.
  7. Click 'Ok' to upload

Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > CentOS 7.x Cloudstack 4.11 > CentOS 7.x Cloudstack 4.11 Upload already created template