Installing AWS command-line tools

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Home > Amazon web services > Installing AWS command-line tools

The below steps are for installing updated AWS CLI version 2 on CentOS

  1. Ensure that following packages are installed
    dnf install less glibc groff-base unzip curl
  2. Download latest AWS CLI version using:
    curl "" -o ""
  3. Unzip and install awscli
    ./aws/install #As root user
  4. Check installed version
    aws --version
  5. Configure installed awscli with AWS access key ID, secret key, region, etc. using:
    aws configure
  6. Test the configuration with some command such as:
    aws s3 ls
    aws lightsail get-instances | grep -C1 arn | grep -i name


Home > Amazon web services > Installing AWS command-line tools