MySQL Query logging

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Logging all queries

We can log all queries that are received by server (even that have incorrect syntax) using 'log' option in '[mysqld]' section


This can be very helpful on development machines for debugging.

Logging slow queries

Logging all queries can be problematic on production servers. Hence on production servers we can use:

long_query_time = 5


  • 'log_slow_queries' is used to log all queries which take more than 'long_query_time' seconds to execute. The minimum value of this parameter is 2, as mysql measures time with second accuracy.
  • 'log_long_format' will log additional information like which queries are not using indexes at all or not using indexes properly, etc.

In newer versions use:

long_query_time = 5
slow_query_log = 1
slow_query_log_file = /tmp/mysql_slow.log

More information about configurable parameters of mysql can be found in '/usr/share/doc/mysql-server-<version>'.

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > MariaDB configuration > MySQL Query logging